A Great Day For Making Friends

We met a new friend today at Lighthouse and invited them to come with us to the

park. John said that we will go to two parks today.Our favorite park was the one we call

"the small one" (Roppongi Nishi Park), and we went their first.

Free Play

There were some puzzles set up on thee floor, but Ellie wanted to play with the

number boxes that you cans tack up to become a tower. She and Ayame took turns

building it up as a tower and knocking it down. They requested for the "house" again,

and they took the pillows from the reading corner and put them inside their house.

They put the orange cushions and put them beside. Playing "house" has been their


John- John then asked us if we can draw, and he gave us big sheets of paper.

"This is a princess and this is a castle!" she said. "And Ellie make lots of dress!"

"I make a lot of dress," Ellie said. "It's for..... you!" she told Pauline. "And this is

towels, lots of towels," she added. John then asked them to paint their drawings.

"Let's put on some smocks," John said.

"Snacks? I have some snacks!" Ellie said.

"No, I meant smocks- art smocks like these!" John said, holding them up and Ellie


Circle Time

We started circle time with some music and movement activities. John played the

guitar and did some actions according to the tempo of his strumming: running, walking,

jumping, crawling, and skipping. Then, he read us a book called "The Lorax" by Dr.

Seuss. it told the story of how the Once- ler cut down the beautiful Truffula trees just

to make a kind of garment they called Thneeds.

"Do you think it's okay that they cut down the trees?" John asked.

"No! Because it's not fruit," Ayame said.

"What happened to the land?" John asked.

"Sad land!" Ellie and Ayame both replied. We thought about the beautiful trees we

always see at the park and wondered how someone could cut them down. We

remembered one day, during their Tales from A to Z class (Phonics class), they were

talking about how the ax was used to count down trees and turn them into chairs and


"No more trees?" Ayame asked.

"We need to plant new tree then water," Ellie said, making a motion of holding a

watering can and using it to water the plants.

"then tree can grow, grow, grow!"Ayame said. They were right- for every tree that

gets cut down, a new tree should be planted in its place. Pauline said that trees help us

a lot and they make the air cleaner, and they are a home to a lot of animals.

Park Time

As we were preparing to go to the park, we met a new friend! He came to Lighthouse

with his mommy. Together, we walked towards the small park. There, we saw friends

from another school playing! We also collected some acorns and put them in the

plastic bag Pauline had brought. Then we headed to the big park (Hinokicho Park).

"Look! They have this," Ellie said, pointing to the orange barricade surrounding the

jungle gym. "Before, it's not here," she said. Pauline read the sign, and it said, "Grass

growing period."

We played on the slides with our new friend- lo, and behold. We met another new

friend! Not just one, but two! They were brothers, and they were with their mommy.

They heard John playing the ukulele, so they wanted to come to play with us, too! We

played with them on the slides. The girls dragged Pauline and coaxed her to slide down

with them.

"This slide is bumpy," Ellie commented.

"She's my new Ellie," Our new friend E said. "I have an old Ellie in my school."

"Pauline, come! You go down here. Come, come!" Ayame encouraged Pauline, who

seemed nervous, to slide down.

"I'm too big for the slide," she said.

"Well, me, too!" E said. "But I think I can do it!" The four of them slid down, and

everyone erupted in a chorus of "Wheeeee!!!!"

John asked E if he could play his favorite song, "Wheels on the Bus", and he did, so

we all sang with him. Little by little, friends with their parents started coming over and

watching what we were doing. We met two more new friends who were also with their


E called Pauline and Ellie over and said, "I have to show you something!" He led us

to a place with giant nets and hammocks! Ayame came over along with E's brother and

John. John worked his ukulele magic, and we sang and played with him, so more friends

with their parents came over! Wow! What a great day- we made lots of new friends! As

we went back to school, We made yet another friend that made Ayame stop in her


"Look! Look!" she said excitedly and pointed to the ground. Wow! it was a beautiful,

bright green caterpillar! It was so cute!

"My mommy have caterpillar allergy," Ellie commented.

"I'm walk like this, then I look down and I see it!" Ayame demonstrated how she saw

our caterpillar friend.

Afterschool Session: Young Einsteins (Numeracy and Science Class)

To start of the class, Pauline taught a new song for Halloween. It was called

"Skeleton Dance" and she taught us the dance steps. Then we reviewed our numbers

and then Pauline said we could play a board game. It involved some cute unicorns and

pink diamonds! Oh, if you could just imagine how excited we were about the pink

diamonds. There was a blue cloud dice that we rolled. Depending on how many clouds

show up on the dice, that's how many clouds our unicorns jump. If we jump on a pink

cloud, then we get a pink diamond. The person who has the most diamonds at the end

of the game wins!

It was quite funny what happened when we played the game- Pauline and John

kept landing on a cloud with a cupcake (which means they miss a turn), and Ellie and

Ayame were neck- and- neck for first place. When we were finished, everybody had a

turn counting their diamonds, then we chose which magnetic number matched. Ellie

counted eleven, so she put number 11; Ayame counted nine, so she put number 9. They

also helped count for John and Pauline and put number 8 and 4, respectively. The

ending? Ellie was declared winner number one, and Ayame was winner number two.


That ends Day 4 of Fall School. How about you? How was your day?


All the friendly Lighthouse children


All About Leaves


Trees Change… and So Do We!